Monday, February 28, 2011

Why did I watch that?

                        Whether or not you like a movie largely depends on what you are looking for in it. For example, if you are looking for something light and funny that will provide laughs without an in depth story line, you might try Pirates of the Caribbean or maybe Leap Year. Certainly don't watch anything like Sherlock Holmes or Vantage Point. While these movies may provide a laugh or two they require much more attention and brain power to figure out the plot.
                      Lets say you have been having a ruff time lately and some friends invite you to go the a movie with them. You think, great this is just what I need, a fun movie to cheer me up. Now if you go and see Nicholas Nicklbe chances are you are not going to like it. Why? Well you may just not like that kind of movie. But say you have liked that kind of movie in the past? It was a depressing movie. You where in the mood for a happy and uplifting movie. So there for, because of the way the movie made you feel (worse) you could not see anything about the movie that was worth praise. Maybe it was a wonderful storyline, great acting, amazing special effects and stunning music. But you could not see past that because the whole feel of the movie was dark, depressing and dreary. And because you are going through that in your life right now you obviously don't want to see it on the big screen any time soon.
                        So next time you go the the theater and don't want to come out going " Why did I watch that?" Take some time and figure out what your in the mood for.

                                 Movies Lovers Inc.


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